Effectiveness of Very Thin Soil Layers in Chemical Release from Bed Sediment

Authors: Talbert, B.; Thibodeaux, L.J.; Valsaraj, K.T.

Year: 2001

Reference: Talbert, B.; Thibodeaux, L.J.; Valsaraj, K.T. (2001) “Effectiveness of Very Thin Soil Layers in Chemical Release from Bed Sediment” Environ. Progress. 20, 2, 103-107.

Summary: Natural deposition of clean sediment is a significant part of natural recovery of contaminated sediment sites. Thin-layer placement can be engineered. Physical-chemical processes of diffusion are modeled to estimate flux. Physical experiments showed that, on average, flux was 1.7 times greater than model predictions. Surface-water flows induce advection in the upper layers of the cap and is the likely cause for the underprediction of the model.

What You Will Find Here: Theory using Biot Number p. 104, Experimental Findings p. 106

Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ep.670200213/pdf