Thin Layer Placement
Thin Layer Placement broadly encompasses the purposeful placement of sediment or dredged material in a manner that produces a specific layer thickness or ground surface elevation necessary to achieving the overall project objectives. In TLP projects, the layer thickness typically ranges from a few centimeters to some fraction of a meter, depending upon the variation in ground surface or water levels at the site, and the functional objectives the placement is intended to achieve.

Wetland Restoration
Thin layer placement has been applied to achieve multiple objectives, including wetland restoration….

Estuarine Habitat
…re-establishment of estuarine habitat (photo from HDR (2009) “Recovery Act: Restoring Estuarine Habitat in West Galveston Bay Technical Design Memorandum”, prepared for Texas General Land Office, NOAA and Texas Parks and Wildlife)….

Shoreline Change
…offsetting shoreline changes (photo from HDR (2009) “Recovery Act: Restoring Estuarine Habitat in West Galveston Bay Technical Design Memorandum”, prepared for Texas General Land Office, NOAA and Texas Parks and Wildlife – data provided by University of Texas -- Bureau of Economic Geology)….

Sediment Budgeting
…. and sediment budgeting (photo from Byrnes et al (2013) “Sediment Dynamics in Mobile Bay, Alabama: Development of an Operational Sediment Budget” – permission pending”, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, Mobile, AL).