Ecosystem effects of materials proposed for thin-layer capping of contaminated sediments

Authors: Näslund, J.; Samuelsson, G.S.; Gunnarsson, J.S.; Nascimento, F. J. A.; Nilsson, H. C.; Cornelissen, G.; Schaanning, M. T.

Year: 2012

Reference: Näslund, J.; Samuelsson, G.S.; Gunnarsson, J.S.; Nascimento, F. J. A.; Nilsson, H. C.; Cornelissen, G.; Schaanning, M. T. (2012) Ecosystem effects of materials proposed for thin-layer capping of contaminated sediments. 449, 27-39

Summary: Boxcosms with intact sediment fauna were used to assess ecosystem effects of thin-layer capping with different materials. Clay (suspended and lumps), sand, hyperite, powdered activated carbon (AC), Kraft-lignin, marble (coarse and fine) and plaster were used as capping materials. Structural endpoints such as: macrofauna community, meiofauna community, and bacterial community were assessed. Functional endpoints such as: bacterial production, biogeochemical fluxes, and oxygen penetration depth in the sediment were also assessed. Based on the results, marble, plaster, and Kraft-lignin should not be used unless modified. AC had fewer negative ecological effects and has a high sorption capacity for hydrophobic organic contaminants. AC may be more effective if mixed with clay or applied directly before phytoplankton blooms in the spring.

What You Will Find Here: Materials and Methods p. 28, Results p. 31, Discussion p.35
