Bioturbation Delays Attenuation of DDT by Clean Sediment Cap but Promotes Sequestration by Thin-Layered Activated Carbon

Authors: Lin, D.; Cho, Y-M; Werner, D. Luthy, R.G.

Year: 2014

Reference: Lin, D.; Cho, Y-M; Werner, D. Luthy, R.G. (2014) Bioturbation Delays Attenuation of DDT by Clean Sediment Cap but Promotes Sequestration by Thin-Layered Activated Carbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48, 1175-1183

Summary: A thin-layer of clean sediment does not reduce DDT flux when bioturbation is occurring. In contrast, a thin layer of activated carbon is more effective at reducting DDT flux with bioturbation than not having bioturbation. A mass transfer and biodynamic model were used to simulate DDT flux and bioaccumulation.

What You Will Find Here: Methods and Materials p. 1176, Modeling p. 1177, Results and Discussion p. 1178
