Year: 2005
Reference: NYSDEC/EPA. 2005. Appendix V, Record of Decision, Onondaga Lake Bottom Subsite of the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site, Statement of Findings: Floodplains and Wetlands
Summary: The major components of a sediment remedy for Onondaga Lake include: dredging of the littoral zone, dredging of the in-lake waste deposit, placement of an isolation cap, hydraulic control, thin-layer capping, offsite treatment of dredged materials and generated water, lake-wide habitat restoration, habitat reestablishment and enhancement, a pilot study to understand oxygenation, monitored natural recovery, understanding the basis for area wide bioaccumulation based sediment quality values, institutional controls, and monitoring and maintaining remedy effectiveness. The effects on floodplains and wetlands are covered. The remedial alternatives that were considered include: no action, various combinations of dredging and capping, and dredging for full removal and thin layer capping.
What You Will Find Here: Need to affect floodplains and wetlands p. 1, Components of the selected remedy p. 1, Remedial alternatives p. 3, Effects of proposed action on the natural and beneficial values of floodplains and wetlands p. 4, Compliance with Applicable State or Local Floodplain Protection Standards p. 5, Measures to Mitigate Potential Harm to the Floodplains and Wetlands p. 5