Assessing the Effectiveness of Thin-Layer Sand Caps for Contaminated Sediment Management through Passive Sampling

Authors: Lampert, D.J.; Sarchet, W.V.; Reible, D.D.

Year: 2011

Reference: Lampert, D.J.; Sarchet, W.V.; Reible, D.D. (2011) Assessing the Effectiveness of Thin-Layer Sand Caps for Contaminated Sediment Management through Passive Sampling. Envion. Sci. Technol. 45, 8437-8443

Summary: Passive sampling using polydimethylsiloxane coated fibers was used to monitor PAH migration in thin-layer sand caps with bioactivity in the lab. The method for monitoring allowed for freely dissolved pore water concentrations at 1 cm increments in the cap. Measurements were compared to models where analytical solutions were provided. The passive sampling measurements were correlated with bioaccumulation in the worm, Ilyodrilus templetoni.

What You Will Find Here: Introduction p. 8437, Materials and Methods p. 8438, Analytical Solution for Bioturbation Layer p. 8440, Analytical Solutions for Isolation Layer and Combined Bioturbation and Chemical Isolation p. 8441, Bioaccumulation Predictions p. 8442
