Authors: Eek, E.; Oen, A.; Breedveld, G.; Sparrevik, M.; Schaanning, M.; Beylich, B.; Næs, K.; Gunnarsson, J.; Cornelissen, G.
Reference: Eek, E.; Oen, A.; Breedveld, G.; Sparrevik, M.; Schaanning, M.; Beylich, B.; Næs, K.; Gunnarsson, J.; Cornelissen, G. (N.D.) Presentation “Field testing of thin layer capping with AC and passive materials in Norway”
Summary: The slides present field testing of materials for thin-layer capping of contaminated sediments in Norway. Issues with regard to placement, contaminant flux reduction, and secondary effects of the capping material are covered for aspects of modeling, laboratory tests, and field studies. The concept of relevance vs precision is presented for laboratory tests, larger boxcosm tests, and field studies. A variety of placement techniques ranging from shallow to deep water applications are shown. Photos of placing material and the placed material are included. Field techniques for measuring contaminants are described. Flux reduction measurements with various capping materials are provided.
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