In Situ Capping of Contaminated Sediments: Comparing the Relative Effectiveness of Sand versus Clay Mineral-based Sediment Caps

Authors: Hull, J.H.; Jersak, J.M.; Kasper, C.A.

Year: 1999

Reference: Hull, J.H.; Jersak, J.M.; Kasper, C.A. (1999) In Situ Capping of Contaminated Sediments: Comparing the Relative Effectiveness of Sand versus Clay Mineral-based Sediment Caps. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, 286 – 311

Summary: These conference proceedings cover the use of AquaBlok™ compared to conventional capping materials such as sand and gravel in a remediation context. Topics such as considerations for plant growth and benthic re-colonization are covered. Thin (1 ft thick) caps using sand or Aquablok™ are given particular focus in the proceedings. The applications are discussed for both deep water and wetland/marsh environments. Bioturbation depths for a variety of sites and substrates are provided. Erosion rates for given flow velocities and substrates are also discussed.

What You Will Find Here: plant requirements in wetlands p. 287, re-colonization p. 288, bioturbation depths p. 293, erosion p. 296, thin-caps with AquaBlok™ p. 298, chemical migration p. 301
