Opticap, thin layer capping of sediments using reactive and non-reactive materials, field studies

Authors: Cornelissen, G.; Oen, A.M.P.; Brändli, R.; Eek, E.; Breedveld, G.D.

Year: 2008

Reference: Cornelissen, G.; Oen, A.M.P.; Brändli, R.; Eek, E.; Breedveld, G.D. (2008) Opticap, thin layer capping of sediments using reactive and non-reactive materials, field studies.

Summary: In this research, innovative remediation techniques are used in pilot trials in the field. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop techniques for remediation of large sediment areas. The technique is capping with thin layers of active and non-active materials, including activated carbon that binds organic contaminants so strongly that they cannot be taken up in organisms of transported to other environmental compartments. The advantages of thin capping over many other remediation methods include i) it can be used as an in situ risk reduction method, ii) the price is low, and iii) it overcomes significant controversies associated with disposal of dredged and excavated materials.

What You Will Find Here: abstract

Link: http://www.sednet.org/download/2%20-%20abstract%20Cornelissen.pdf