Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery (EMNR) Case Studies Review

Authors: Merritt, K.; Conder, J.; Magar, V.; Kirtay, V.J.; Chadwick, D.B.

Year: 2009

Reference: Merritt, K.; Conder, J.; Magar, V.; Kirtay, V.J.; Chadwick, D.B. (2009) Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery (EMNR) Case Studies Review

Summary: This report initially presents three detailed Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery (EMNR) case studies for the following sites: Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site in Bainbridge Island, Washington; the Ketchikan Pulp Company Site in Ketchikan. Alaska; and the Bremerton Naval Complex in Bremerton, Washington. After discussion of sediment management at these sites, other sites are discussed that may prove informative for sediment remediation through EMNR. Several of the principal sites at which thin layer capping has been pilot-tested have also included field testing of reactive amendments. Reactive amendments include materials such as resins, organic carbon, or other solids that are added to capping material or sediment. The materials sorb or react with chemicals to increase chemical transformation or decrease chemical availability. Results from the site using the addition of reactive amendments to thin layer chromatography will be discussed in the context of cap placement and system recovery metrics. Because of this distinct short-term focus, pilot studies of thin layer capping provide insight into factors associated more directly with remedy implementation, including the effect of thin layer cap placement on water quality and/or the benthic community structure and/or composition. Where data are available to support the discussion, these topics are considered in assessing the strengths and limitations of thin layer capping.

What You Will Find Here: Design and Implementation pg. 3, 8, 17, Monitoring pg. 6, 12, 18, Lessons learned pg. 7, 14, 19

Link: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a502887.pdf