Guidance for Subaqueous Dredged Material Capping

Authors: Palermo, M.R.; Clausner, J.E.; Rollings, M.P.; Williams, G.L.; Myers, T.E.; Fredette, T.J.; Randall, R.E.

Year: 1998

Reference: Palermo, M.R.; Clausner, J.E.; Rollings, M.P.; Williams, G.L.; Myers, T.E.; Fredette, T.J.; Randall, R.E. (1998). “Guidance for subaqueous dredged material capping,” Technical Report DOER-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS

Summary: This document provides guidance for subaqueous dredged material capping. Carefully considered design, construction, and monitoring are needed. There is an interdependence between all components. The basic requirement is that the cap thickness is placed and maintained. Biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of sediment are needed. Site selection is important and should be a low-energy environment. Compatability between equipment and placement technique is required. Many types of equipment are available. Scheduling must consider both exposure of contaminated material to the environment, and other constraints. Evaluation of potential wate column effects due to placement of contaminated material must be performed. Capping is less costly than confined disposal.

What You Will Find Here: Sediment Characterization p. 16, Equipment and Placement Techniques p. 26, Sediment Dispersion and Mound Development and Site Geometry p. 51, Cap Design p. 64, Longterm Cap Stability p. 79, Cap Monitoring p. 98, Chemical Containment p. B1, LTFATE p. F1, Frequency of Erosion p. G1,
