Authors: USACE and ICT
Year: 2002
Reference: USACE and ICT (2002) Laguna Madre GIWW Dredged Material Management Plan.
Summary: Each placement area for the Laguna Madre Gulf Intracoastal Waterway is reviewed. Best management practices are used for dispersing dredged material such ase energy dissipating devices for spreading out thin layers and decreasing the chance of burying sea grasses. Dredging windows are set from November through February when seagrass is dormant and less effected by turbidity. Generally elevated turbidity due to dredging activity is limited to an area 3/4 to 1 mile from the discharge point and remains up to 3 months after disposal is complete. It has been determined that if no more than 3 inches of dredged material is placed seagrass can recover in 3-5 years. Typical issues in the placement areas involve: hauling or pumping distances being too long for ocean disposal, recuirements of protecting seagrass, or critical habitat for piping plover or black skimmer. The preservation of cabins are also common issues with dredge material placement. The use of the placement areas for dredged material was surveyed between 1949 and 1995.
What You Will Find Here: General Guidelines p. 2, Reach 1 issues with Ocean Placement p. 3, Pas 213-219 issues p. 17, PA 221 Circulation problems p. 18, Issues with Thin-Layer Placement in Reach 5 p. 19, Erosive Currents PA 233 p. 23