Evaluating Environmental Effects Of Dredged Material Management Alternatives — A Technical Framework

Authors: USACE, Washington, DC; USEPA, Washington, DC

Year: 2004

Reference: USACE; USEPA. (2004) Evaluating Environmental Effects Of Dredged Material Management Alternatives — A Technical Framework.

Summary: This framework and guidance pertains to both clean and contaminated dredged material. Direction is primarily driven by the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA). The document provides flowcharts to: 1.) determine the environmental acceptability of dredged material disposal alternatives, 2.) illustrate a framework for testing and evaluating dredged material for open-water disposal, and 3.) illustrate a framework for testing and evaluating dredged material for beneficial use applications. Management applications include thin-layer placement. Potential contaminant pathways and plant and animal uptake are covered. Thin-layer placement is defined as less than 12 inches, which minimizes impacts to benthic fauna and speeds recovery in estuarine environments. There is a differentiation made between thin-layer placement and high pressure spray disposal on marsh surfaces.

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