Authors: USACE, Philadelphia District
Year: 2014
Reference: USACE, Philadelphia District. 2014. Environmental Assessment: Channel Maintenance & Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects, New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway, Ocean and Cape May Counties, New Jersey. July 2014.
Summary: It was determined that an Environmental Impact Statement was not required for this thin-layer placement work where dredged material from the NJIWW will be beneficially used. At Avalon Harbor 6-8 acres of marsh are to be restored over a 2-3 month period by spraying 6-9 inches of dredged material from a small pontoon via a floating pipeline. At Mordecai Island material will be placed in a breached area. At Stone Harbor the >90% sand will again be applied by a pontoon and floating pipeline at the same depth as Avalon. The marshes will be elevated to 6 ft above high tide. This area will create a 40ftX8ft area of black skimmer habitat. The water quality in the area has historically been impacted by nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals and fecal coliform bacteria. Chemical analysis showed that the dredged material could otherwise be considered clean.
What You Will Find Here: Project Location and Objectives p. 2, Alternatives p. 4, Terrestrial Habitats p. 8, Aquatic Habitats p. 10, Open Water p. 11, Aquatic Invertebrates p. 13, Essential Fish Habitat p. 17, Habitat Requirements for Federally Managed Species p. 18, Distribution of Early Life History Stages of Fishes p. 20, Endangered Species p. 22, Cultural Resources p. 25, Air and Water Quality p. 26, Essential Fish Habitat assessment for the worksheet Table 3 p. 28, Compliance with Environmental Protection Statutes Table 4 p. 34, Project Description p. 34, Factual Determinations p. 36, Compliance or non-compliance with the restrictions on discharge p. 40.