Authors: Merritt, K.A.; Conder, J.; Kirtay, V.; Chadwick, B.; Magar, V.
Year: 2010
Reference: Merritt, K.A.; Conder, J.; Kirtay, V.; Chadwick, B.; Magar, V. (2010) Review of Thin-Layer Placement Applications to Enhance Natural Recovery of Contaminated Sediment. Integrated Environ. Assessment and Management. 6, 4, 749-760
Summary: Thin-layer placement or particle broadcasting to enhance natural recovery for contaminated sediment sites is discussed. Three case studies are covered and 3 pilot studies are highlighted. The focus of the discussion is on placement and monitoring. The pilot studies focus on mechanisms of placement and contaminant chemical migration, while the case studies focus on long-term remedial action objectives – lowering human health risk and ecological risk. Surface sediment concentration reductions were documented at all sites. Actual risk reduction following thin-layer placement is less conclusive and ecological recovery monitoring is limited. Some recontamination of the thin-layer is common. In cases of recontamination, a reevaluation of the conceptual site model is needed.
What You Will Find Here: Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor p. 750, Ketchikan Pulp Company p. 753, Bremerton Naval Complex p. 754, Other sites p. 755, Lessons Learned p. 757.